Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Indian Style


the porch, in front
near roses,
near metal milk crates
above colored slate
from Vermont – is where
she sits – Indian Style,
on top of pieces of
wood, warped, and
gray paint peeling

the porch near two
doors leading to
two families in a
city, on a corner lot
in a city filled with
children who played,
played – as she watched.
where she
smiled when a friend
walked by, a friend one
day –

sitting Indian Style
she smiled once more
when another friend walked
by – near hedges
lining the property,
her feet
touched cement, her head
looked straight ahead –

legs crossed Indian
style on the porch
where fingers picked
at pieces of wood
covered in gray paint,
a smile on her face
one stray tear rolled
down her face,
caught the edges of
her lip, where a
smile – remained

scooting over to the
right, toward the
metal milk box,
she opened the lid
and there – inside
where paper dolls
were stored inside,
she saw her friends
smile back.

Nancy Duci Denofio
2011(c) all rights reserved

Monday, April 11, 2011

Capsule in the Forest

Capsule in the Forest

A single tree
breathes in the
forest like
a benign tumor -

Bacteria wiped
out the mountain -
A fungus spread
from limb to limb
sparing one single tree.

A capsule,
for a new beginning,
the cordial for a forest.

Nancy Duci Denofio
(c)all rights reserved